[patch] port of the kpim progresswidget

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Thu Jan 1 21:42:53 UTC 2009

On Thursday 01 January 2009 01:07:05 pm Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 31.12.08 10:36:58, Manuel Breugelmans wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Attached is a quick port of the kdepim progressdialog to KDevelop.
> > Personally I quite like how it feels ... For now only IStatus stuff is
> > taken into consideration but it could be turned into a replacement for
> > the 'Stop Jobs' button as well.
> >
> > If this is indeed what we want then I'll clean, test & polish the patch.
> > Might even be moved to kdelibs at some point to reduce duplication.
> Hmm, a couple of questions:
> - how does this look with progress that doesn't/can't use percentages

the bar should just move back and forth, IIRC.

> - can we remove the progressbar in the status area and replace it with just
>   a busy indicator

I'm fine with a progress bar in the status area as long as we can aggregate 
things there

> - how much work is it to make this into a jobtrackerinterface connected to
>   runcontroller::registeredjob so all jobs are automatically added

> - does the overlay automatically hide when moving the cursor out of it, or
>   just when clicking anywhere else in the gui

i'm sure it behaves exactly like the progress bar implementation that kmail 
has, since it sounds like all that Manuel did was port it to work with 
KDevelop, which means that the overlay only hides when you click somewhere 
else (IIRC)

> I didn't have a really close look at the implementation, but one thing I
> noticed that I didn't like very much: It doesn't use model/view, but
> instead kinda implements its own model/view (as far as I could see).

so? why is not using model/view a problem? It's working code, and it's 200% 
better than the crappy passive popups, multiple progress bars, and lack of 
information that we have now. We can make it use model/view later. Qt's 
model/view stuff isn't all that great anyways, IMHO.

> Andreas


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