[patch] port of the kpim progresswidget

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jan 1 19:07:05 UTC 2009

On 31.12.08 10:36:58, Manuel Breugelmans wrote:
> Hi,
> Attached is a quick port of the kdepim progressdialog to KDevelop. Personally 
> I quite like how it feels ... For now only IStatus stuff is taken into 
> consideration but it could be turned into a replacement for the 'Stop Jobs' 
> button as well. 
> If this is indeed what we want then I'll clean, test & polish the patch. Might 
> even be moved to kdelibs at some point to reduce duplication.

Hmm, a couple of questions:

- how does this look with progress that doesn't/can't use percentages
- can we remove the progressbar in the status area and replace it with just
  a busy indicator
- how much work is it to make this into a jobtrackerinterface connected to
  runcontroller::registeredjob so all jobs are automatically added
- does the overlay automatically hide when moving the cursor out of it, or
  just when clicking anywhere else in the gui

I didn't have a really close look at the implementation, but one thing I
noticed that I didn't like very much: It doesn't use model/view, but
instead kinda implements its own model/view (as far as I could see).


Your best consolation is the hope that the things you failed to get weren't
really worth having.

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