Session Config Dialog broken

Milian Wolff mail at
Sat Dec 19 16:04:08 UTC 2009

On Saturday 19 December 2009 16:40:28 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> seems like one of the recent changes to sessions (or the pure fact that
> sessions are auto-generated) has broken the session dialog. I now have
> "default" (which was my default session so far), "sdsafsd" (just a
> random one) and "" which is the currently used session.
> So there are two problems:
> a) the "" session name, its completely unuseful in the dialog. Probably
> should be generated from the open projects or something

That's because the session names are generated by the open projects afaics. No 
open project -> empty session name.

Also imo it's totally unintuitive that, to change the name, I have to select 
an item and press F2 (or even double click). A "rename" button would make 
sense imo. F2 + Double click renaming should be additional sugar, not 
required. Esp. considering that DEL does not remove an entry...
> b) the fact that my former default session has been replaced by an
> auto-generated one.

Additionally, I can't see a way to start a new session from the CLI, which is 
also kinda bad.

And to top that: Why is "new session" closing my old one?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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