Move completion widget further up

Hamish Rodda rodda at
Sat Apr 25 00:41:23 UTC 2009

On Friday 24 April 2009 05:23:04 David Nolden wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 23 April 2009 21:08:31 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got a bit of a problem with the completion widget because most of
> > the time I'm adding new methods I do this at the end of the file, which
> > means that my cursor is at the bottom of the kate view. Can we make it
> > such that if the cursor is close to the bottom of the kate view (maybe
> > 1/5th of the height) that the completion widget then pops up above that
> > area? So for example if I have the cursor between pixel 160 and 200,
> > then the bottom of the completion should show up above pixel 160 or
> > something like that.
> >
> > As it is now, I sometimes can only see the "Implement" string as
> > everything else is cut by the screen bottom.
> I've done a patch to kdelibs today to make the code-completion use the full
> space at bottom until the end of the screen. Given that we waste quite a
> bit vertical space at the bottom, and there's usually a panel, isn't that
> enough room to show a completion list? 

Not if kdevelop is running fullscreen.

> Additionally you could open the
> code-browser and be fine ;-)
> The problem about popping it up at the top is the argument-hints, where to
> move those then?

Still above, but to the right.


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