KDevelop 4.0 Release

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 7 23:13:40 UTC 2008

Am Montag, 8. September 2008 01:00:13 schrieb Manuel Breugelmans:
> - DUChain robustness; still too much Q_ASSERT(bucket _size) for me. It's
> unacceptable to require 'rm -rf ~/.kdevduchain' all the time
My duchain is perfectly robust. Since this never happens to me, I need some 
more info here. What exactly needs to happen to KDevelop before this problem 
appears? Probably it crashes in some special moment leaving behind a defect 
duchain store, but there is a protection against this(should automatically be 
cleared), so I currently don't have an idea how this can happen.

Greetings, David

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