
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Nov 6 19:47:56 UTC 2008

On 06.11.08 23:01:14, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Thursday 06 November 2008 21:55:11 David Nolden wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag, 6. November 2008 19:08:20 schrieb Matt Rogers:
> > > SVN commit 880868 by mattr:
> > >
> > > Move the text editor status to be just under the editor window
> > Hmm the problem I see with this is that we still have the normal status bar. 
> > So now even more vertical space is permanently taken away, wich sucks, at 
> > least if it's just used for the Line/Column information that's a real waste. 
> > However it could be made useful by moving a part of the code-browser there, 
> > specifically the bar that shows the current surrounding function, and the 
> > back/forward navigation-history buttons related to that. You think it would 
> > be possible to add own widgets there?
> Do you happen to remember that we talked about breadcrumps nagivation for files,
> in the form of:
> 	project -> dir -> file -> function
> ? This is probably what can be put there.

No actually, that should be replacing the tabs :) I currently seriously
consider not having KDevelop4 with tabs, I mean look at the blogs about
QtCreator, nobody complained about missing tabs to switch between files.
The combobox there was just fine for everybody and it didn't even include
any path.
> A student of mine is working on addition such navigation in kdevelop, some code
> is likely to appear next week, and then we can play. Though now, the nagivator is
> on top of the window.

Wooooot! Leave it there.


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