KDevelop: General direction and UI - don't worry

Evgeniy Ivanov powerfox at kde.ru
Tue Nov 4 15:09:52 UTC 2008

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 03.11.08 22:23:12, Alexander Dymo wrote:
>> 8) check in and out my project from any modern VCS
> SVN works, except adding new files. At least last I checked :) We need to
> sort out the menu-mess a bit and provide better GUI for some things
> (svn blame still doesn't use the "specially created for it" kate-annotation
> support)

Git,Hg, Bzr can do most common things except clonning existed projects.
Git also has branching and some another features (the weakest place is
revision history). Mostly all things are tested, but having some Squish
tests will make us sure it works.
I hope when I adopt to my work-project, I will give some love to these
plugins. Also I hope to become stronger in python, so we will able to
integrate QBazaar to our current executors (afaik it's maintained by
somebody from KDE).
Andreas has written some optimization for isVersionControlled(), but
some my menu-code still works in a "wrong" way. It's the thing I dislike.

As for usability: I don't like too many menus and buttons. If user
doesn't need VCS integration, he shouldn't see any VCS menus (but some
easy to use switch in options). The same is about other features. It can
be called scalability: if someone needs simple features (mostly built-in
to the editor) like code completion, project building he should see only
them (like in QtCreator) If someone needs an "ultimated nuclear-IDE" he
should get an "ultimated nuclear-IDE".
As for debugging: if I code, I don't need all debugging buttons visible
(afaik now they're just disabled).
But as most of us mentioned it's just UI and it doesn't make sense for
features we already have.

Cheers, Evgeniy.
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