Two crash dumps

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jun 22 20:18:50 UTC 2008

On 22.06.08 21:41:18, Tomasz Kalkosiński wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 20:55:31 +0200, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > On 22.06.08 20:30:30, Tomasz Kalkosiński wrote:
> >> I've tried to Import Existing Project (my own project) in trunk KDev4 but it failed. I attach two dumps from gdb:
> >
> > Both of the backtraces from gdb show many parsings of c++ files around.
> > Did you increase the number of threads to be used for the background
> > parser? Not that you shouldn't need to increase that.
> I didn't increase number of threads since I don't know how :)

Then kdevelop should create so many threads, in fact there should be
only 2 of them. The setting is under Configure KDevelop -> Background

> > Also as you're saying this happened on import: Did you activate the
> > "parse all project files" option under Configure KDevelop->C++? That
> > option is highly experimental and will most probably eat all your RAM
> > (unless you've got a few gigs available), especially if your project is
> > large or has large/complex includes like boost.
> I have 2 GBs and indeed I include boost. I know that all parsing is in experimental phase and I'm not complaining, just helping.

My point was, that unless you explicitly activate parsing of all project
files during opening a project, the backtraces you showed shouldn't
occur during project opening. The setting is in fact under Configure KDevelop->Project
(not as I said earlier) and called "schedule all project files for
parsing by the background parser".

So did you activate that option? 

Besides: Parsing itself is not really experimental, the problem is that
currently all information about parsed files is stored in memory, which
takes up huge amounts if you do that for all files in larger projects.

BTW: There's one (AFAIK known) bug in C++ support, when you activate
code-completion while KDevelop still parses some file it sometimes


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