Proposed artwork email

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 10 08:45:19 UTC 2008

On 10.07.08 10:10:18, Jakob Petsovits wrote:
> On Thursday, 10. July 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 10.07.08 09:55:18, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> > > I'm planning to send an email to the artists list, asking for some funky new 
> > > graphics... please review, change/add as required etc.
> > 
> > Matthew Woehlke and Jakob Petsovis assembled such a list a while back
> > (IIRC sometime last year) and they took much care in properly explaining
> > what each icon was supposed to mean. So maybe you can try to find that
> > mail and expand a bit, note these artists don't (necessarily) have a
> > clue about software development.
> Matthew committed it to
> icons.txt?revision=642612&view=markup
> Might be slightly out of date, at least the "open project" icon is in Oxygen
> already. (Not much progress else, considering that this was not brought up
> to the artists team as a priority request.

So "all" we need to do is update the list and then talk to the artists
so they can schedule the work for KDE 4.2? (i.e. tell them we need the
icons/artwork for that release)


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