kdev4 with multiple projects + code completion across projects

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Aug 31 08:08:24 UTC 2008

On 31.08.08 09:57:19, Marek Jasovsky wrote:
> Hi
> >> As for Qt includes: What has cmake to do with include path of kdev4 ide?
> >> Maybe I am missing some important part. is this path not given by some
> >> environmental variable?
> >
> > KDevelop gets all include files from the build manager.  You probably don't
> > have a build directory assigned in your cmake configuration for the kdevelop
> > project, which is needed for cmake support to get the include directories.
> that's the point. I have build dir assigned for both kdevplatform and
> kdevelop and using cmake I am able to fully compile both projects.

Just to make sure: We're talking about the CMake page in the project
options of those projects inside KDevelop4, not what you did on the
commandline to build them.

> > BTW, this is the real bug - that a) we don't request the build directory at
> > project import time, and b) that we don't show a warning somewhere that the
> > cmake support is incompletely configured.
> what if I had a project that is not cmake based? do I always need to
> have some build manager and there I must have some info, where are all
> include files?

Yes, we have an interface for buildsystems that all plugins can use to
get some important information about that buildsystem, among those
informations are the include directories that are used to compile a
specific part of the project (a target or a subdir...)

> and all libs I need to build/include to the project?

Not sure what you're asking about here.

BTW: This is exactly the same that other IDE's do, they just happen to
invent their own buildsystems, instead of integrating existing


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