kdev4 with multiple projects + code completion across projects

Hamish Rodda rodda at kde.org
Sun Aug 31 07:46:04 UTC 2008

On Sunday 31 August 2008 07:44:40 Marek Jasovsky wrote:
> >> it can not find QDir and QLayout (so Qt include files)
> >> and it neither can find language/duchain/*.h include files for cpp
> >> files within kdevelop project. (those duchain plugins do come from
> >> kdevplatform project and I have them in $home/src/kdevplatform/...
> >
> > The misbehaviour sounds like a bug in kdevelop4, probably in the cmake
> > support. I'd suggest to file a bugreport on bugs.kde.org for that,
> > please include the CMakeCache.txt from the project where the file is and
> > also note which file you're looking at and which of the headers are not
> > found in the bugreport.
> As for Qt includes: What has cmake to do with include path of kdev4 ide?
> Maybe I am missing some important part. is this path not given by some
> environmental variable?

KDevelop gets all include files from the build manager.  You probably don't 
have a build directory assigned in your cmake configuration for the kdevelop 
project, which is needed for cmake support to get the include directories.

BTW, this is the real bug - that a) we don't request the build directory at 
project import time, and b) that we don't show a warning somewhere that the 
cmake support is incompletely configured.

> as for project includes: (includes from different projects)
> what should be proper way to tell the IDE where are include files from some
> different project located?

See above, once it's configured, everything should work flawlessly, whether 
the includes are within the project or not.


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