kdev4 with multiple projects + code completion across projects

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Aug 30 21:01:48 UTC 2008

On 30.08.08 18:22:17, Marek Jasovsky wrote:
> these are just problem markers within kde4. using  cmake I can build
> both without troubles already
> I am just using kde4 as much as possible and I also want to develop
> some small plugins, that's why I want to use kde4 to edit all source
> code available.
> without having those .h resolved, code completion does not work, this
> has so far nothing to do with compiling those sources.

Please do inline posting, i.e. don't put your answers on the top and
quote the whole original mail, instead remove the uneeded text and put
your answers directly under the questions. That improves readability a
lot - thanks.

The misbehaviour sounds like a bug in kdevelop4, probably in the cmake
support. I'd suggest to file a bugreport on bugs.kde.org for that,
please include the CMakeCache.txt from the project where the file is and
also note which file you're looking at and which of the headers are not
found in the bugreport.


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