parts/outputviews/compileerrorfilter.cpp r. 669527

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Sep 19 21:14:53 UTC 2007

On 19.09.07 16:14:59, Kris Wong wrote:
> After months of trying to figure out why my link times suddenly went
> through the roof (literally), I finally traced it down.  There were
> changes made to 3 regular expressions in compileerrorfilter.cpp,
> apparantly to accomdate files with spaces in them.  This introduced two
> issues.  First, the time for CompileErrorFilter::processLine to run on
> the link step output for some of my projects jumped from 346
> milliseconds to 184569 milliseconds (yes, that's 3 minutes).  Second,
> the output seemed to get messed up at times, and it would display lines
> about generating object files and such.  I think this needs to be rolled
> back.  Whoever made the original change (or any one else who's
> interested) can come up with another solution.

I agree, the change was done by Alexander quite some time ago.


Everything will be just tickety-boo today.

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