KDevelop 4 - current showstoppers

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 13 19:42:54 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 13 November 2007 20:12:18 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Once we have drag'n'drop it should be possible. But that doesn't mean we
> should have both modes, it still only means we need one that covers all
> needs.

Sure, once Ideal supports that too, it's perfect.

> > That's an important feature I think, that the dockwidgets can deliver.
> > No widget will need the full height of my 1600x1200 screen.
> Hmm, well I'm not so sure about that. For example the projectview needs
> quite some vertical space, as does the class browser. And I don't quite
> see a widget that needs very little space currently.

What about snippets, maybe a future working-set view, or teamwork?

For some widgets I prefer seeing multiple at a time, instead of having all the 
space taken by one.

The teamwork-widget for example should be always visible while using it, but 
doesn't need the whole space, so it could be paired with the project-view or 
class-view(Yes those can use all the space, but I'm not sure whether they 
really need it), or with some other widget that doesn't need the whole space.

greetings, David

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