VcsJob question and suggestion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed May 30 21:11:57 UTC 2007

On 30.05.07 15:00:29, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Right, a simple API like the following around a QPair.
> > 
> > VcsDiff::Type type()
> > QByteArray firstBinary()
> > QByteArray secondBinary()
> > QString diff()
> > QString firstText()
> > QString secondText()
> Agreed... and I see you beat me to it, thanks. :-)
> Now... what about reconsidering VcsDiffType::DiffTerse (unified only)? I 
> know we originally said 'no', but I don't think we condidered the case 
> of 'give me a#1+diff(a#1,a#2), diff(a#2,a#3), diff(a#3,a#4), ...'. 
> Obviously just the unified-diff is preferable in this case.

Whats the use case? I recall you said something about looking at the
history of changes in terms of seeing the diffs, but I don't really see
a use-case.

> Also, shouldn't we drop the Vcs prefix inside VcsDiff? (e.g. 
> s/VcsDiffType/DiffType)

Instead I used Type and Mode now, because VcsDiff is already the class


Day of inquiry.  You will be subpoenaed.

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