REMINDER: Final review of VCS interfaces

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 29 19:33:46 UTC 2007

On 29.05.07 13:43:47, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > IMHO it should be author, because it really is the _author_ of that
> > change that you get.
> That's what I was thinking too. So we still want VcsEvent to be "user", 

No, actually that should be author too.

> however? (Because "author" doesn't seem to make as much sense in that 
> context.) That's really all I'm doing, pointing out that there is a 
> disparity and confirming that we meant to do that.

No, IMHO author() is perfectly fine in VcsEvent, its the author of that
single revision. Also the name doesn't fit very well (yes I know we had
that discussion).


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