Possibility to disable toolview-creation

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed May 16 00:30:20 UTC 2007

On 14.05.07 12:13:13, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> this is mainly for Alexander.
> Will there be a possibility to disable the creation of new toolviews by
> the user on a per-plugin basis?
> I just resurrected the widgetbox toolview in the designer plugin and
> if I create a 2nd toolview from the factory I get an empty QWidget. I'm
> returning the widgetBox that exists in the QDesignerFormEditorInterface
> everytime the create() is called.
> I can look into wether its possible to keep multiple designer-interfaces
> around and then hook them up to each other, but that would mean we'd
> have 1 designer-instance for each toolview and for each document. If a
> plugin can disable the creation of new toolviews then I could use the
> same designer instance all the time.

And another problem: Multiple views onto the same designer form are
probably not possible either. I tried having only 1
QDesignerformInterface, resulted in 1 window with the form, the other
with a plain qwidget. Having a new form loaded with the same content is
calling for trouble, because then you basically have the same as 2
designer instances working on the same file...
Unless of course we find a way to hook these two up to each other so
that changes in one are reflected in the other (which I'm not sure we


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