KDevelop4/win32 and SVN, the sad story

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri May 11 12:03:17 UTC 2007


I guess this should rather be a blog entry, but I don't have one because
I'm not a blogger :)

So, my adventure to build KDevelop4's subversion plugin came to a dead
end :( The reason is simply that the subversion project doesn't target
mingw as compiler. They provide static libraries compiled with MSVC as
binaries to develop against and they don't provide a buildsystem that is
easily usable on windows with mingw.

I already opened an issue in their tasktracker to ask for proper symbol
exporting to make it possible to build dynamic libraries for subversion.
I hope I get a response to that sooner or later, else I guess we have to
switch to the MS compiler if we want to provide pre-built packages with
subversion support enabled. (Or somebody is brave enough to add this to


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