UI-Idea for KDev4: Working-File-Baskets

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Thu May 3 18:02:06 UTC 2007

On Thursday, 3. May 2007, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > [snip]
> > If we can find a way to have such baskets I think thats a great feature
> > no other IDE has currently (at least not the two or three big ones
> > everybody knows).
> ...but should it cooperate with any VCS support? I would definitely say
> "yes", otherwise you're losing integration that is otherwise possible.
> I guess if it does, it's sort of a moot point, but it does mean we need
> to define an interface for VCS's that do support change sets so that
> these critters can use said interface.

I agree with your point of view.

> (I don't like the term "baskets" :-).)

Count me in for a second vote on "change sets".
As for my opinion on an even more generic, finer-granularity-than-files mode 
of working, I think that's a bit too much over-engineering and hard to grasp.

I can see the potential advantages, but I'd nevertheless prefer something 
that's easy to understand and rock stable, because everything with more than 
file-level changes are subject to diff heuristics and don't accomodate the 
way that VCSs work. More important than this, I'd say, is to make it easy to 
merge back and forth between the different "baskets", but that doesn't need 
the changes to be stored on a codemodel-granularity level.

On a similar note, I found myself copying bits of a working copy when trying 
to create multiple unrelated, but overlapping patches. So, such a feature 
would be terribly useful for me as well, +2 for trying to make it popular 

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