[OT] plugins and QDockWidget

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Mar 24 18:05:44 UTC 2007

On 24.03.07 23:16:53, kitts wrote:
> Sorry about annoying any of you with this off-topic post.. ;-)
> I was wondering how kdevelop's embedded designer maintained dockwidgets? As 
> i know only mainwindows can dock widgets. The only way i see it possible is 
> that designer maintains a mainwindow which is embedded into the kdevelop's 
> central tabwidget!?

I think thats right for KDev3 (don't know the impl. detail)

> On the otherhand if kdevelop used qt4 dockwidgets for its tools interface 
> then would it be possible that when a designer (a plugin?) file tab is 
> opened that its own dock widgets merge with the other kdevelop dockwidgets  
> and then automatically disappear on tab switch?

In KDevelop4 the designer integration will provide normal toolviews and
a view for the document. However in KDevelop4 the designer will also be
opened in a separate area/mainwindow so we don't clutter the Ui with
dozens of toolviews.


It's all in the mind, ya know.

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