KDevPlatform Copyright

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Mon Jun 4 21:34:06 UTC 2007

On Jun 4, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> On 04.06.07 22:37:01, Andras Mantia wrote:
>> On Monday 04 June 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I didn't yet check, but in case any of the files in kdevplatform/src
>>> contain non-LGPL copyrights do those need to be changed to LGPL?
>> Yes, LGPL or something more liberal, but compatible with.
>> There was a problem in the old KDevelop, because it contained code  
>> from
>> Qt, hopefully it isn't present anymore (I'm just recompiling  
>> everything
>> including the new kdevplatform).
> The qt designer contains code from Qt, basically because we need it,
> unless we want to reimplement that class which is hard without looking
> at the original...
> BTW: KDevelop doesn't use the platform yet (thats why it still has
> lib/), porting everything at once doesn't seem a good idea, because  
> its
> quite an effort and I'd have to ask people to not commit in the
> meantime...
> Andreas

why don't you divide and conquer then and get people to help you port  

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