Removing Makefile-things from buildmanager API

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Aug 3 12:53:04 UTC 2007

On 03.08.07 07:36:04, Kris Wong wrote:
> > Not sure wether the same applies to this
> >     /**
> >      * Provide a list of files that contain the preprocessor 
> > defines for the
> >      * project
> >      */
> >     virtual KUrl::List preprocessorDefines(ProjectBaseItem*) 
> > const = 0;
> I don't see in any utility in this function, but what we do need is way
> to query for the project-level preprocessor defintions for a specific
> file.  This might return something like QMap<QString,QString> (or a
> similar typedef).
> virtual QMap<QString,QString> preprocessorDefines(const Kurl&) const =
> 0;
> Does something like this already exist?

Yes, its called preprocessorDefines(ProjectBaseItem), just with a
totally broken return type. If you only have a url you can ask the
projectcontroller for a list of projects for that file.


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