David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de
Mon Apr 23 22:50:33 UTC 2007

On Monday 23 April 2007 21:23:52 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Which makes it not usable for other applications that don't want to
> build on kdevplatform.

You're right. But I think it's not ready yet for use by other applications. 
Once kdevelop-teamwork is completely ready, it hopefully will be. In the end 
I'd like to see that stuff in a separate project, there's a lot of code that 
for example koffice-teamwork(a summer of code project) could profit from.. 
but It would also make building a full kdevelop as well as development on 
kdevelop-teamwork more complicated. So it's something to do later.

> Would you also please make the plugin optional?

I don't know how make things optional with cmake.. but it would be ok.

My only worry with this would be that many people wouldn't compile it because 
it is a lot to compile(and slow compiling because of all the templates) and 
thus would not port it to their api-changes.

On Monday 23 April 2007 21:55:55 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> As I suspected this doesn't work on windows easily, so we definetly need
> to replace this.
> Andreas

http://www.hyperrealm.com/commoncpp/commoncpp-faq.html says 
"Current platform support includes Mac OS X, POSIX systems such as GNU/Linux 
and Solaris, and Microsoft Windows (2000 and later).", are you sure? And 
don't you confuse it with GNU Common C++?(as seen in the faq).

Which does not mean that I don't think that it would be useful optionally 
using qt for that stuff, because that would increase acceptance of the 
library for kde-development.

greetings, David

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