astyle tabstops

Megan Webb mwebb at
Wed Oct 18 20:31:58 UTC 2006

Noticed my astyle changes lost the tab stop block from astyleconfig.ui
This puts back tabstops on all the controls.

I'm stumped though on the ordering of the tabstops. The QT docs say:

Tabstops indicate the widgets that get the focus as the user tabs
through the form.
The <tabstops> tag contains a list of tabstops, in order, each of which
holds the name of a widget.

But for the attached patch (for me), the tab stop order on the
Tab & Brackets and Indentation tabs are in reverse order.

I tried changing the order of the definitions in the .ui file, but that
made no difference.

If anyone can tell me on what I'm doing wrong?


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