astyle tabstops

Matt Rogers mattr at
Thu Oct 19 00:29:51 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 15:31, Megan Webb wrote:
> Noticed my astyle changes lost the tab stop block from astyleconfig.ui
> This puts back tabstops on all the controls.
> I'm stumped though on the ordering of the tabstops. The QT docs say:
> Tabstops indicate the widgets that get the focus as the user tabs
> through the form.
> The <tabstops> tag contains a list of tabstops, in order, each of which
> holds the name of a widget.
> <tabstops>
>     <tabstop>templateView</tabstop>
>     <tabstop>helpButton</tabstop>
>     <tabstop>buttonOk</tabstop>
>     <tabstop>buttonCancel</tabstop>
> </tabstops>
> But for the attached patch (for me), the tab stop order on the
> Tab & Brackets and Indentation tabs are in reverse order.
> I tried changing the order of the definitions in the .ui file, but that
> made no difference.
> If anyone can tell me on what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks.
> Megan

The radio buttons for all the different styles are in a QButtonGroup. This 
means that the whole button group gets only one tab stop. With the patch, all 
the buttons in the group were listed. I think this was confusing Qt.

I added tabstops to the .ui file with designer and i don't have all the 
buttons there, so this is my best guess as to what's going on there.

I'd recommend opening the file with Qt Designer, adding the tabstops that way, 
and then trying again. When it works, we can commit the patch. :)

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