Improving qmake-qt4 support in KDevelop3.4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jul 24 18:46:39 UTC 2006


I had a quick try with a Qt4 project I have and the qmake-buildmanager
completely messes up the qmake project files.

However having browsed a bit through the various qmake-related dirs
under buildtools I'm a bit lost ;-)

Apart from KDevelop's API documentation, is there some kind of
introductory material to how the qmake buildsystem works?

Also would it be better to try to extend the existing qmake manager, or
should I better copy it as "qmake4" (wherever I find a qmake dir) and
start replacing existing stuff.

One thing the qmake-manager messes up is the value of the QT variable,
for my project it only contains "xml", and thus qmake generates includes
only for $QTDIR/include and $QTDIR/include/QtXml. However adding
gui+core qmake also generates includes for QtCore and QtGui.

I do understand that one could use "custom makefiles" for such projects,
but then all the other neat stuff I just provided patches for would've
been a complete waste of time...


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