language support in 3.4 vs 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Dec 30 02:25:36 UTC 2006

On 29.12.06 23:41:29, Oliver Kellogg wrote:
> Finally I'm finding some time to get back to kdevelop.
> I see that language support has changed considerably in trunk.


> What happened to the CodeModel?

Hmm, there should still be one for C++, however I think the duchain is
playing a large role for C++ too. As for the other languages, there's
merely more than a AST-generating parser and a basic code-model (which
might be ripped apart again)

> Where do I find documentation on the new parser infrastructure?

You mean for kdev-pg? In its sources ;) Seriously, Jakob Petsovis wrote
a thesis on how to implement java language parser with kdev-pg which is
more or less the only documentation except for the examples in

The thesis is here:

> When will it be possible to commit to the 3.4 branch?
> (I want to update the Ada support.)

As soon as 3.4.0 is released and mattr announced the lift of the feature
freeze here. I think we might release until the end of january.


Cold hands, no gloves.

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