which KMainWindow?

Jens Dagerbo jens.dagerbo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 16:55:30 UTC 2005

The problem with what you suggest is actions that arrive from loaded kparts.
Part's actions are merged with the host application's actions through
kxmlgui magic. Conflicting shortcuts or the need to override merged actions
are problems not really handled in the design. KDevelop is hit bad by both.

There are rumours of a kxmlgui redesign for KDE4, but I don't know anything
about it.

// jens

On 12/13/05, Alan Ezust <alan.ezust at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering, in Jedit, they have a global actionmap object, where
> you request action objects by name, instead of creating them in a
> bunch of places.
> But it seems like the way the shortcut menu works is it searches
> through all widgets for children/grancdhildren of type "QAction".
> So all we need to do is go through the kdevelop code and get rid of
> the redundant creations of QActions and replace them with calls to a
> central map object. I volunteer to do that.
> The question is, is there already a class that does something similar
> to that that I should start with, or should we start over with a new
> class? What should it be called/where should it go?
> On 12/13/05, Jens Dagerbo <jens.dagerbo at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 12/13/05, Alexander Dymo <adymo at mksat.net> wrote:
> > > Oh, that's a tough question :)
> > >
> >
> > And don't forget MainWindowShare. Which is the stuff shared between
> > MainWindow (since replaced by NewMainWindow) and the old IDEAl
> > implementation (since reimplemented in KMDI).
> >
> > BTW and IIRC, SimpleMainWindow doesn't use MainWindowShare and this is
> why
> > we in that mode get two "Configure Editor.." entries in the Settings
> menu...
> >
> > I prescribe napalm.
> >
> >
> > // jens
> >
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