KDevelop 3.3 release schedule

Adam Treat treat at kde.org
Thu Aug 4 16:29:05 UTC 2005

On Thursday 04 August 2005 10:04 am, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> On Friday 29 July 2005 05:04 pm, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> > Hi!
> > At this point I'd like to ask developers whether we're following
> > KDE 3.5 release?
> >
> > My personal opinion is that we should not do that. Feature freeze
> > on 1st August is too close and we still do not have:
> > 1) many patches from this mailing list applied
> > 2) new qmake manager (work in progress)
> > 3) polished simple ideal mode (splitting doesn't work correctly in all
> > cases)
> > 4) did i forget smth more?
> >
> > Currently IMHO we've almost nothing to release as KDevelop 3.3.
> > I'd like to propose then that we plan 3.3 release somewhere in November
> > or December so we could finish all features we want.
> >
> > What do you think?
> I agree with November.  I would like to take some time at Malaga to finish
> QMake support.  What is missing is the ability to sync changes back to the
> disk, then it is pretty much "as good as it can get".   If anyone else has
> time or energy to help with that prior, it is about 2 weeks of concentrated
> work.  We also need to address the current code completion, it seems that
> it is too sensitive compared to the older 3.1 version.  It seems to work
> for me most of the time, but I cannot figure out if its katepart or
> KDevelop that makes it try to do codecompletion in comments, or in the
> middle of words.

This was something I was working on.  But, I stopped the code completion 
improvements because I didn't know where it was leading.  I don't think it 
will be hard to fix in the case of trying to complete in comments.  Although 
I thought I'd already fixed that.... maybe a regression.

> Adam, maybe we need a hack session?  Do you want to get together here
> before or after malaga? or at the Desktop meeting in october?  Matt will be
> there too, so maybe we can arrange a day of hacking after the conference.

Sure.  Before Malaga will be difficult, but we can either do it in between 
Malaga and OSDW or just wait for OSDW.

> Lastly Alexander, I would like us to start moving forward on what we talked
> about in keiv about what ships with KDevelop.  Now that in SVN we can move
> stuff around much easier can we look at a KDevelop-ExtraGear?
> Cheers
> 	-ian reinhart geiser

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