Gideon cvs 28/3/2003. Fortran mode and Project notion

Roberto Raggi raggi at
Sat Mar 29 14:08:04 UTC 2003

On Saturday 29 March 2003 12:27, Daniel Tourde wrote:
> - There is no function to delete a complete Project in Gideon. I had to
> use a terminal to do it. I think this is a missing function, probably
> very simple to add.
we will implement it as soon as possible.. maybe, before alpha 4

> 2) Fortran mode
> - When looking on the source tree, I clicked on the test.f file (my
> fortran "hello" program), no editor opened automatically. When I clicked
> a menu came where I had to choose by myself a program to use to open the
> file within a list of KDE applications. Well, I just wanted to open the
> file in the big area reserved for this on the right part of the gideon
> window... Nothing more...

you must add the mimetype for fortran source file..
open KControl / File Associations and add the mimetype "text/x-fortran"

ciao robe

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