Gideon Docs

Falk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Tue Nov 26 10:38:04 UTC 2002


> I wouldn't prefer to remove the parts listed below from CVS!
Sorry, it seems I didn't say it clearly enough...
I don't mean to remove those parts from cvs, but to move them to an extra
cvs module, maybe called 'kdevelop-addons'. 
So we likely automatically get 2 binary packages from the distributors
without telling them the packaging instructions. And in the end SuSE-9.0 and
RedHat-9.1 provides 2 binary rpms: "kdevelop.rpm" and "kdevelop-addons.rpm", and I
think most C++ programmers wont install the addon rpm. ;)

F at lk

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