Sourcenav vs. History Part

Bernd Gehrmann Bernd-Gehrmann at
Wed May 15 23:19:02 UTC 2002

On Monday 13 May 2002 01:29, you wrote:
> Hi!
> > Well, the file selector doesn't integrate well into the IDE, as you can
> > see
> >
> > >from the context menu... I don't know if this can be fixed.
> My idea was to show the File Selector only if no project is loaded with the
> goal that you can easily browse your files and open them singly without
> opening the whole project. Some kind of "Quick browse/view mode" ;-). That
> becomes even more interesting if Gideon can show UML diagrams :-).
> TogetherJ has it, too. So it can't be bad ;-P.

Sounds good.

> But the problem otherwise is: You can only have one ZoomFrameWidget raised.
> If you open an other one, it "overlaps" the previous. And as mentioned I
> think that browsing your code and browsing your docs are two couple of
> boots (zwei Paar Stiefel ;-).
> And like IDEA there should be the opportunity to *stick* these
> ZoomFrameWidgets so that they don't overlap the editor (main window) and
> they behave like those TabWidgets in MDI mode.

Ok, I *really* have to try IDEA a bit more :-)

> > I've also noticed that when you have 10 or so sidebar widgets on the left
> > side, the main window doesn't fit on a 800x600 monitor anymore ;(
> If we space out the ZoomTabWidgets to the borders this won't happen ;-).

What happens in IDEA when the buttons at the sides take more space than
available? Are they put in several rows?


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