TODO List KDevelop 2.1.2

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Fri Jun 21 23:13:59 UTC 2002

W. Tasin wrote:

> Here what I'm examined:
> Falk you are right it is now set to Bitstream 4pt, but this is only 
> the case if KControl/Look & Feel/Fonts/Fixed Width has an entry taken 
> from KDE 2. 

Yes. As I was running KDE3 (of SuSE8.0) for the first time, I said 'Yes' 
for reusing the old settings. I suppose it was taken from the KDE2 
settings. Yes, it showed Bitstream 4pt but used Adobe[Courier] 10pt.

> If you use the "chose"-button you cannot find this entry (normally 
> "courier 10pt") . With KDE 3 I cannot find the typeface "courier", but 
> "Courier [Adobe]" or "Courier [Bitstream]", so with the algorithm of 
> KDevelop's default font selection it takes the first fontface in the 
> list.
> Maybe this is the wrong way, but how should it be done correctly?? 

Not sure.
Maybe the combobox entry should be checked and adapted if it isn't the 
one which is really used. I really don't know about such mechanisms.

F at lk

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