gideon c++ code completion

Daniel Engelschalt daniel.engelschalt at
Sun Jul 21 11:14:02 UTC 2002

>   * Enable code hinting (what is this by the way?)
comments before a method are shown in the tab "code hinting". e.g.:
 * this method does....

> Should the project source files somehow be registered for codecompletion 
> somewhere in the gideon framework?
mmh, i don't know - i only work with kde c++ projects :)

to check if codecompletion works for you, try the following: let the kde-
(or qt-) headers preparse and then type KMessageBox:: that should work out of
the box.
the "normal" codecompletion (typing a dot or ->) has the following problem:
all local variables have to be recognized within the method's body - so
first we have to know where a method starts. i use a regexp for that but it
unfortunately matches static method calls like the KMessageBox::show( ); and i
haven't been able to find the right expression for: last char either "{" or no
char (see CppCodeCompletion::createTmpFileForParser for details).

anyway we have 2 versions of codecompletion in gideon: roberto's approach
(don't know if it works, but it should) and my one. so when the exams are over
i'm going to extend it...


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