gideon c++ code completion

Jakob Simon-Gaarde jsgaarde at
Sun Jul 21 09:31:02 UTC 2002


I'm currently extending the trollprojectpart which is working pretty well now. 
But I can't get c++ code completion to work on the qmake projects I load.

I can see in the classview, that the project classes are parsed, and in the 
"Project Options" dialog I have checked:
Class Store -
  * Enable persistant class store
  * Enable pre-parsing
Code Completion -
  * Enable code completion
  * Enable code hinting (what is this by the way?)
  -> Bottom side

Should the project source files somehow be registered for codecompletion 
somewhere in the gideon framework?

In qmake projects you can use scopes for making platform or debug specific 
versions of sourcefiles - this meens that the same class can be declared more 
than ones to saticefy for example platform differences. How does the c++ 
parser handle such a situation?

/ Jakob Simon-Gaarde

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