Using other libraries

Pep Serrano pep at
Thu Feb 21 23:43:02 UTC 2002


I'm an absolute beginner to KDevelop and I am wondering which way I can 
migrate my developments to KDevelop.

I need to use some proprietary libraries - yes it exists yet :-(. So must 
include some header files and static libraries that are provided already 
So far, I tried to configure in "project options" the "compiler options" (-I 
flag) to include the directories containing these header files, and "linker 
options" to link with the static libraries (-l flag). However there is a 
large list of files to include, form several different directories, and 
several different libraries. This way, I get a very large configuration 

a) Is there any way to put this in an external config file?
b) Is it possible to include recursively everything under a directory? A 
mean... ../include/a/.. ../include/b/.. and so on.
c) For the link I have to define a path to the libraries (-L 
/home/pep/projects/pvss/lib.linux) and then mention each library (-lComDrv 
-lV24 -lManagerV212_83 ...) Is there a simple way to link all libraries 
inside a directory?
d) These libs come from a product that may be installed in different paths 
for different hosts... Makefile must be changed in every host? Can I use some 
sort of environment variable $MY_SOFT to point the installation directory of 
my software and then use this variable in KDevelop configuration to compose 
the full path to my headers and libraries?

Thanks in advance for all your help,
Pep Serrano.

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