Kate Part for KDevelop

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Sun Feb 10 19:09:18 UTC 2002

On Sunday 10 February 2002 17:36, Harald Fernengel wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sunday 10 February 2002 16:37, Sandy Meier wrote:
> > Will code completion (for PHP) works after your move to the new
> > KTextEditor interface? Or will we use the new implemention from Robert?
> > Sorry I'm so confused with the whole text editor stuff that I don't know
> > even KTextEditor already implement the CodeCompletion interface or not.
> >
> > :-(
> sure, the KTextEditor interface provides a code completion interface which
> is pretty similar to Gideons'. After Gideon has been adapted to the
> KTextEditor interface, we also have to convert all the existing Plugins
> (NEdit, QEdit...) to the interface. This will be quite stupid work, but
> after that all KDE applications can use NEdit/QEdit/WhateverEdit as their
> editor...
Is there really a need for a wrapper around ktexteditor ? I mean its generic 
enough to at least allow implementations with single view or multiple view 
per doc editors if they provide a kpart. Would be much better to enhance 
KTextEditor with a static function to chose a default editor part and to 
change the part easily (and to ask explictly for KTextEditor::Editor or 
KTextEditor::Document implementations without using plain KTrader).

> The question is whether our wrappers should move from Gideon to KDEBase or
> KDE-Bindings, since all KDE applications will benefit from them.
> Robert's patch should not affect the PHP completion at all, he just fixed
> the c++ stuff and added Designer's Editor.
> At the moment I'm badly stuck in my KTextEditor attempt, the problem is
> that we now have a document which can have many views (==Widgets). The old
> interface just had an Editor which was a document as well as a view/widget.
> I think it is time for a Document/View manager...
> Best regards,
> Harry
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| Christoph Cullmann
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| cullmann at kde.org
| http://www.kde.org 

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