Blending functions [ Feature .Net]

Peter Schmitteckert (list) list at
Wed Mar 21 10:45:06 UTC 2001


On Wednesday 21 March 2001 08:47, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> HI,
> this is about the editor feature with hinde/unhide of code. The idea
> about the + and - isn't that bad though, think it might be interesting.
> Ralf
> i just testet Microsofts Visual Studio .NET and their language c-sharp, and
> they have a nice little feature that i find REALLY inovating.
> I ve you know the CLASS view , they just did the same in the code.
> you can BLEND functions out by pressing a (+) or (-) in front of the
> function. thus you are able to maintain much larger code files , by simply
> blending functions your.e not working on out ..
> greets chris
Just blending code by pressing +/- could be weird,
why not using a tree-view for the code, so one could blend
a whole namespace, or a funtion in a namespace.
Would be a nice feature for me, since I don't split files
just because they're too big.

Best wishes,

+ -- namespace NSpKKK
|    {
|      .......
|----+ class CToDo
     | {
     | }


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