nasty bug, CKDevelop::edit_widget

Roland Krause rokrau at
Mon Mar 12 05:31:17 UTC 2001

Hello Ralf,

--- Ralf Nolden <nolden at> wrote:
> Well, I think part of it is a good idea. As a starter, you could
> split
> up CProject with according class members and methods. That would give
> us
> a start but I think we could do this top-down.

Yes, that is a another very useful thing to have: a family of classes
for different project types. Like a generic Project (CProject) and
derived from that a custom project CCustomProject and a standard
project CStandardProject. Then derived again from the latter... 
program - CStandardProgramProject
static library - CStandardStaticLibProject
shared library - CStandardSharedLibProject
and on and on... 

> So first thing to do would be to get a new root instance to the
> classtree so you have one root item for each sub-project (e.g. a
> library). Wouldn't it be good to organize that in an XML file and
> provide CProject with conversion methods so it still can load old
> projects and rewrite the project file in XML ?

Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking, there are some efforts to
replace make with an XML input file even... . I could look at what they
have (in terms of their DTD) to maybe even stay compatible and to not
have to think too hard on my own. (Besser gut geklaut als schlecht
selber gemacht) 

> Then you could structure the project file much better and provide a
> tree
> structure for's, according rules and files and as top the
> projects.


> Finally, the writing of the would allow even writing into
> the same for two or more targets. How about that ?

Yes, that sounds good, very good. Lemme see how much time I can branch
off to work on this next week.... This is what I was hoping for in
terms of feedback, this and what Falk said in the other email. 


Roland Krause
In the garage of life there are mechanics and 
there are drivers. Mechanics wanted!

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