Gideon preview release ?

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Thu Aug 30 08:45:08 UTC 2001

On Mittwoch, 29. August 2001 17:19, you wrote:

> So I think as Sandy said, pronounce in the announcement that this is a
> technical preview of the next generation KDevelop - "The
> Multi-Language-Integrated-Development-Environment" :-).
> BTW.: Gideon 0.1 was announced that way, why announce it the second time?

Well, that's the difference between Development and PR :)
I think we do fine on the development side and lately we do better on the PR 
side, though my experience is that after the announcement of the Solaris 
packages people are looking forward to KDE 3. We know we can use some help 
with all the plugins and a preview release of KDevelop 3 with the necessary 
explanation that it's a complete rewrite in alpha-quality will probably 
attract more developers that we didn't reach with the KDE 2.1 release or the 
Gideon publishing as that wasn't officially in CVS at that time.

I think I'll have to read over that article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung again 
talking about developers and PR people speaking alongside each other and 
don't understand the other side's position. I'm glad that I have some talent 
in both sectors to communicate certain PR needs :))


> Bye,
> Victor
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Ralf Nolden
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