fileselector plugin

Roland Krause rokrau at
Tue Aug 21 04:40:51 UTC 2001

nice work, looks cool. 

I did the ctags based browsing on KDevelop-2. I was going to
implement/improve and port that to gideon, at least that was the plan.

ctags is "just" a fast code indexing mechanism. It doesn't actually
know very much about the tags, basically not much more then where they
can be found. ctags based search can be very fast but it is hard to do
any context sensitive searches with it. 

I dont think the class parser uses ctags at all, maybe I am wrong, but
it didnt last time I looked. The class parser is actually much smarter
then a ctags search database. A combination of the two, that is a class
tree that has a ctags index would be cool. Doxygen can do this little
wonder and it can spit it out in XML on top of that....

Also, there is exciting new from the gcc XML front, there is a working
patch for XML output from gcc-3. Land is in sight. 


--- Hugo Varotto <hugo at> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've started to play a little bit with Gideon's plugins lately, and
> just for 
> fun I ported Kate's fileselector as a Gideon plugin.  Yo can find it
> at:
> Is this something that people might find it useful ? I hope so ( at
> least it 
> was for me ). I put an indication of the original author of the Kate 
> fileselector in the copyright notice, hope that's enough ( I just did
> the 
> port to learn Gideon's plugin methodology and I'm not claiming
> ownership / 
> creativity of the original idea ).
> On another topic, I'm starting to work a little bit on another plugin
> ( one 
> that'll interface heavily with ctags ) and I was wondering what's the
> state 
> of the ctags support on Gideon. I was not able to make it work (
> loads the 
> ctgas file correctly. and inserts the tags in the dictionary, but
> it's not 
> able to run a match against anything ).
> Is somebody the maintainer of this portion ( or is somebody working
> on addidn 
> something new to Gideon instead of te currentctags support ) ? I'm
> very 
> interested in doing a generic symbol-browser/cross reference matcher
> plugin ( 
> if you've used Visual Slickedit before you'll know what I mean ).
> Also, can somebody please explain me the relationship between ctags
> and the 
> class parser/browser that's already in place ? I haven't looked at it
> yet 
> very much in detail, but it seems that we have two symbol detection 
> mechanisms in place ?
> Thanks for all the input, I hope to be able to contribute more and
> more as 
> the time pass by ( as I get more familiar with Gideon ). Thanks for
> buiding a 
> very nice and expandable framework.
> Hugo
> -
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Roland Krause
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there are drivers. Mechanics wanted!

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