A final word and what to do now (was: A final word (was:Re: What's up and what's hot))

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Thu Aug 9 21:46:51 UTC 2001

On Thursday, 9. August 2001 23:38, you wrote:

> Technically, QextMDI's tasks are application core functionality and
> cannot be moved to a plugin. I learned that during the time when QextMDI
> was in the HEAD branch. Note that the whole GUI is handled by QextMDI:
> The mainwindow is a QextMdiMainFrm, the tool-views are embedded in
> KDockWidgets under control of that single QextMdiMainFrm instance. And
> it's clear all docu and source views are QextMdiChildViews. Only if all
> those 3 conditions are fulfiled it's possible to switch the 3 MDI
> visualization modes.
Ok, I'd say that is an option. Two questions:
a) how about removing the KDockWidget stuff ? that is buggy as hell and 
bloats kdeui, now that Qt contains a Dockwidget as well. Could it be made 
that QextMDI uses that ? 
b) Could you have a look at the flickering of the toolbar and menubar please 
? the whole GUI flickers in KDevelop 2 still when opening a project with all 
its files in the windows.

> > I guess this means everything is cleared now :))
> Yes, thanks Ralf and Roland.
> Can we have an Amen from Bernd now?
> After that peace will be.
> ...and we would try to patch the HEAD.
...and I will pat everyone's head :))

We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden
nolden at kde.org

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