A final word and what to do now (was: A final word (was:Re: What's up and what's hot))

F@lk Brettschneider gigafalk at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 9 21:38:33 UTC 2001

Ralf Nolden wrote:
> So as you and Falk as well as jowenn and Christoph know best about
> Kate, KWrite and QextMDI, I would like you to do that now, so we can have a
> first working version of that part by September/October. I hope that your
> timeframe fits this, but I would like it to be ready by then. Technically,
> please not that it should be exchangable by the user to use either of those
> two concepts, either QextMDI or split-views like it's working now.
Technically, QextMDI's tasks are application core functionality and
cannot be moved to a plugin. I learned that during the time when QextMDI
was in the HEAD branch. Note that the whole GUI is handled by QextMDI:
The mainwindow is a QextMdiMainFrm, the tool-views are embedded in
KDockWidgets under control of that single QextMdiMainFrm instance. And
it's clear all docu and source views are QextMdiChildViews. Only if all
those 3 conditions are fulfiled it's possible to switch the 3 MDI
visualization modes.
If you want to have splitter views, a solution will be possible. It
could be implemented as another MDI visualization mode in QextMDI.
If you think about making QextMDI a part plugin, it would mean to have
the main window object with all the menu and toolbar children objects
physically in the part library plugged in and dynamically loaded by user
choice. That doesn't make sense to me.

> I guess this means everything is cleared now :))
Yes, thanks Ralf and Roland.
Can we have an Amen from Bernd now?
After that peace will be.
...and we would try to patch the HEAD.

F at lk

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