mailing lists again

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Thu Apr 26 10:31:40 UTC 2001

Roland Krause wrote:
> Ok, enough w/this crap.
> There are now two new mailing lists available for subscription at
> They are ready to be used in the next 24h (from 4/25/01 8am PDT). I
> dont know when an whether this email will ever reach any of you but I
> think it time to make the transition.

Erm, may I get to know what this is for ? We already have two
mailinglists, one of which is archived at already. We just
may have needed to move the devel mailinglist to a kde mailinglist. Talk
to Stephan Kulow about setting up one and it'll be listed on as well; then only re-subscription can be done
automatically by moving the subscribed members to the kde one by Sandy
or everyone resubscribing.

Setting up another set of mailinglists at sourceforge doesn't help it,
sorry. Please ask before running amok :-)

Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at
rnolden at

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