[Fwd: A new IDE for a new milleneum :-)]

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Sun Apr 1 14:38:22 UTC 2001

Christian Couder wrote:
> Bernd Gehrmann a écrit :
> >
> > >I mean would it be possible to separate the core application from the
> > >document and view management ?

Whatever everyone's point is - the salomonic result is that Bernd's
stuff *works*. Listen, *WORKS*. We can get other people to work on that.
What does everyone expect ? A miracle or what ? The fact that the stuff
works doesn't mean is't feature complete or whatever. It just says, here
is something with the minimum complexity of kdevelop 3 but it works and
attracts others to file it out. That is like with KOffice where a lot of
stuff is still to be done but is done over time and people are accepting
it to work on unfinished stuff to polish it.

What's the point ?

I have to leave tuesday night for Kopenhagen so we don't have much time
left. I will use Tuesday for packing so I only have tomorrow afternoon
for putting Bernd's stuff into CVS. Also the annoucement was nice, but
it didn't mention much about that it is a KDevelop 3.0 preview or
whatever, so it landed on apps.kde.com without any notice about that. We
should have planned the big bang a bit better, but unfortuantely we
didn't so we have to decide now what to do. Could everyone speak up and
agree that we're going this way until tomorrow noon CET ? Then I can do
the switch tomorrow afternoon.

Whatever it is, we got to do something. Features that are not in will be
in later for sure. Noone is preventing anyone to participate on
something that works, like we do for kdevelop 2 now. And we know it's
only a temporary solution while 3.0 will continue to be there over the
next year(s). Please keep that in mind.

Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing
that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at kde.org
rnolden at kdevelop.org

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