Complete Manuals Book

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at
Wed May 17 10:53:47 UTC 2000

Sandy Meier wrote:
> Please don't give Joshua the "exclusive Commercial Printing Rights", but as
> I understand you this wasn't a question for you . :-)
Well, we´ll change the documentation license for the converted docbook
files. This will automatically increase the version number plus adding
changes that will justify the license change. When it comes to the
exclusive printing rights, I already told Ralf on the phone that that is
the crucial point in Joshua´s demand here. The case is that if e.g.
O´Reilly would publish the book we would have a much wider publication
way down to the last bookshop even here in germany plus I could imagine
better payment (although I don´t really know what we would do ever with
the money except buying machines for those who are in deep need of those
-- Sandy, did we ever receive any money from OpenDocs up until now ? )

I´ll have a closer look at the publication licenses when I have more
time; right now the license will stay as it is for the 1.2 version
(GPL); when I´ve finished with the KDevelop Chapter for the KDE 2.0
Development book (about beginning of June) I´ll take care more of the
documentation and will change the license then. The next issue that
comes up for the documentation license is that my friend Ingo
Zevenbergen will write a complete C++ reference like MS has in VC++,
based on the ANSI draft and what else is available for a reference and
that will be one huge project where the GPL would mean that everyone
would just take the reference and print it as a book standalone to make
the money out of it; so a license change will be needed the more docs we
have produced.

BTW: for your information: Ingo´s work will be sponsored by Siemens
research in Munich, Ingo will drive down there next week to have a look
at the labs and they get to know who they´re paying. Anyway, it´ll take
some time until we get the first results as Ingo and I are going for
exams in autumn and have to start learning from beginning of june on
until August.


Oh Fridolin, oh Fridolin,
schenk´ mir enge Pinguin,
so ene kleene Patschemann,
dat wär´ wat für ming Badewann´

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

Email: rnolden at

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