Discusion "Release 1.0beta1 and licenses"

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Jul 27 06:27:13 UTC 1999

Stefan Heidrich wrote:
> Hi!
> We planed to release the 1.0beta1 of kdevelop on next monday.
> Because we have not much time anymore to realize the kdk
> (KDE-Development-Kit) for kde1.2 . Please make little bugfixes and
> all features should work so complete the always integated
> features or comment it out :-).
OK with me, although I think a separate release date besides the KDE
release isn't necessary. I would suggest offering the 1.0Beta 1 with KDE
at the same day. I have my exam on thursday and won't get much done
until monday to complete the library handbooks which I would like to...

> We don't know, which licence should have the generated programs. Sandy and I
> think, they should have no licence, and so they are copyright-free. I think
> this is the better way for all, because everyone  can choose the licence for
> its own program by itself.

Can't you choose that already in the appwizard ? (except the hint in the
documentation). Commercials have more experience, so they know how to
change the copyright, therefore I think we should leave it as it is for
now or make additional templates without licenses.


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