Discusion "Release 1.0beta1 and licenses"

Stefan Heidrich sheidric at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Mon Jul 26 11:38:08 UTC 1999


We planed to release the 1.0beta1 of kdevelop on next monday.
Because we have not much time anymore to realize the kdk
(KDE-Development-Kit) for kde1.2 . Please make little bugfixes and 
all features should work so complete the always integated
features or comment it out :-).

The other thing.

We don't know, which licence should have the generated programs. Sandy and I
think, they should have no licence, and so they are copyright-free. I think
this is the better way for all, because everyone  can choose the licence for
its own program by itself.

We expected comments.


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