kde window manager is messing with what little mind I have left.

Erik Quaeghebeur mail.kde.org at e3q.eu
Mon Mar 28 08:16:07 BST 2022

> The problem is that I can have a message on screen, switch to a different 
> workspace to check something else, and when I switch back to the KMail 
> workspace, the message window is not restored to the front, […]

For me, the windows are shown as before.

> Can this be fixed, so that when a workspace has been returned to, 
> everything that was displayed when I switched away, is restored to 
> exactly what was there when I switched away?

This should be possible, as it is the behavior I see. Can you precisely 
describe the steps that result in the top window being non-top (or 
minimized?) when you return?



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