Duplicate IMAP account!

Peter Humphrey peter at prh.myzen.co.uk
Mon Jan 3 10:47:12 GMT 2022

Well, here's a novel one.

I have an IMAP server on the LAN, which runs fetchmail to retrieve POP mail 
from my ISP. Of course I have just this one Receiving account, apart from the 
obligatory Local Folders. This usually works well.

I took the machine with me when I spent Christmas with family, and created a 
POP account to fetch my mail. (We all know that KMail has problems with POP, 
but needs must.) That also worked well.

On returning home I deleted the POP account - but it had a sting in the tail:
I now have a second IMAP account, undeletable even with akonadiconsole, under 
Local Folders. Screen shot attached.

Am I now faced with creating yet another new user account for myself, with all 
the setting up that involves, and importing all my messages from KMail 
archive, minus the offender?


Gentoo ~amd64 system, KMail 5.19.0 (21.12.0)
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